Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sounds of the City (as you can see, I like lists)

You actually DO hear these sounds living in the city... just like in the movies!


breaking glass on the sidewalk around two a.m.


screeching trains on rusty tracks


neighborhood ladies yelling at each other from across the street


loud whistles, "HEY", and "Ooooo, BABY YOU BE PACKIN!" shouted in my ear when I'm simply trying to cross the street.

Buses, trucks, and big engines racing onto the expressway, shaking my apartment's foundation

bike messenger bells

neighborhood ladies strolling down the street saying, "I need to go upstairs to get my pennies if were gonna play poker!"

Jack hammers and construction

Italian cousins in the grocery store going on and on about the Yankees.... or the Giants... or the Knicks (very rarely the Knicks).

Sounds I miss from the suburbs and small towns...

marching band practice vibrating off neighboring houses

morning birds


distant dogs barking at each other at dusk

squirrels playing in the gutter


turn table playing Joni, wind whistling in through open windows, leaves rustling from the yard

delivery trucks slowly wheeling by - looking for an address

baby children happily discussing their latest thrill while digging in the sidewalk cracks for a rolly-polly


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