Thursday, March 27, 2008

Are You My Mother?

There is a new blog out there that I wish I had thought of. Check it out!

In similar spirit, here are some emails from my Mom from over the past year or so:

On Children:
I never like it when people talk a lot about their kids ( I mean, who gives?) so I actually don't talk a lot about you guys. For example, my co-workers know you live in Brooklyn and do something with books, but they don't know about your new job or anything. Also, what is your brand of mascara? I really liked the look.

On Haircuts:
Well, I’m very very happy for you, Laura. I know you’ve been feeling like Job, though you have always been beautiful. Who cut the bangs shorter, you or your friend? Do you curl them, or keep them very straight?
I can’t believe you actually took my fashion advice on ANYTHING! I’m proud of myself.

On Romance:
You are f****** gorgeous and f******* funny and f****** out of his league.

On Faith:
Your sister is a little atheist these days. She cracks me up.

On Money:
Well, she started at 50, so I assumed she was well over 60 by now. You will catch up and then some, and you’ll be in an industry that’s interesting.
I know Michael got another raise- I bet he’s about 55 now.
I know Geoff got another raise. He went in to the boss’ office to resign and they threw a LOT OF MONEY at him. He must be making buckets.
Let’s see… who else can I mention to make you feel bad today? I don’t have any idea how much Emily makes; I know she despises her job. John Bonner doesn’t make much. I don’t make much. Mary doesn’t make much. Dad does.
You lucky dog!

On Hope (and the audacity, thereof. Thanks BARACK):

Faith, faith, faith, just a little bit of faith. Old song, but wise.
The faith is not in the job you have or don't have, or even the relationship you have or don't have, but that you yourself have a meaningful life that is blessed to yourself and to those around you. You are probably, for now, where you are physically supposed to be. That might change in a single day, but I have a sneaky suspicion you are in the right place for today.
Do you think there's something you're not doing that you should be doing? Then do it. Otherwise, let the day be the day that it is, and know that good is coming.

1 comment:

smoosed said...

OMG so glad I reread this tonight... :)