Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays. Specifically, Christmas.

To Whom It May Concern:

I suffer from SEH. SEH is a TLA for Small Ear Holes. (TLA is a TLA for Three Letter Acronym).

I thought the iPod ear buds were kind of big. Like, big for everyone. As they often do, those ear buds totally broke, so I bought some $20 JVC melon-colored ear phones. What the H? They are too big for my SEH, too! I hate being mid-crunch, mid-jam, mid-jog, mid-... well, mid-anything, really and having those things fall out of my ears.

Come on, people. Let's have some consideration for those of us who do not have huge, gaping ear canals (H,GEC). Do I have to start a group on Facebook to bring attention to this matter? I'm quite confident that I am not the only one afflicted with this condition. Yeah, I know Bose sells some small ear phones, but they are about a million U.S. dollars. How about some affordable yet comfortable, sweet-sounding ear phones? What has two thumbs and needs better ear phones? What? Aren't you paying attention? THIS GIRL!!